
Transport Industry Finance

Funding and support for UK haulage, courier, and distribution businesses


Funding for those in the transport industry may be sporadic or ongoing depending on the jobs you take on, but this type of finance smoothes out your cash situation throughout each month, giving you valuable flexibility to plan ahead.

Transport industry finance can remain confidential from your customers if necessary, with tailored solutions available to every business. Use it as part of a long-term growth plan, or simply as a temporary ‘stop-gap’ when cash flow is poor.

We help you to release cash from unpaid invoices, spread the cost of investment in new vehicles, or free up cash from your current fleet and equipment, helping you to take your business in the right direction.

If you are a transport business, we can help you plan your cashflow and purchase the equipment you need to keep your business on the move.

The benefits to your transport company

  • Plan your cashflow with confidence
  • Bridge the cashflow gap, helping your day-to-day operational costs
  • Pay fuel bills and drivers
  • Deliver existing contracts or take on new projects
  • Fund the purchase of vehicles and other assets

How Transport and Haulage Finance can help your business

Our haulage clients raise these issues common so we are well versed in assisting. Our challenge is to find the right solution for your business, ensuring that it is structured properly to solve your problem and meet your needs.

Invoice Factoring or Invoice Discounting – by factoring or invoice discounting your invoices you can remove the uncertainty that exists in your cash flow regarding when your customers will pay.

By factoring or discounting your invoices you are able to access up to 90% of the cash tied up in your unpaid invoices.

Asset Finance or Vehicle Finance – if you are looking for finance to purchase new vehicles you should have a few options. Trucks are well liked by the asset finance sector as they are easy to value, easy to identify and easy to sell when required. This means if you are looking to start up, expand or replace older vehicles finance is typically available.

Please call us today to see how we can help or submit an enquiry and we will contact you.

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    Transport and Haulage Finance Solutions

    Take on new projects
    Purchase of vehicles
    Cashflow gap

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