
Recruitment Finance

Funding and support for the Recruitment sector

What is Recruitment Finance?

Playfair Finance provides funding to help develop and grow your business. Recruitment Finance is a quick and easy way to help you manage your cashflow and payroll, letting you focus on the day-to-day running of your business.

The benefits to your recruitment agency

  • Bridge the cashflow gap with an immediate cash injection against the value of your invoices
  • Focus on the day-to-day running of your business
  • Manage seasonal fluctuations
  • Understand your financial position relating to margin per candidate or contract

How Recruitment Finance can help your business

Recruitment Funding is ideal if you need to pay temporary workers and contractors while waiting for your invoices to be paid or if you issue your clients with credit terms of between 30 and 90 days.

Please call us today to see how we can help or submit an enquiry and we will contact you.

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    Recruitment Finance

    Bridge the cashflow gap with an immediate cash injection
    Release up to 100% of the cash in your invoices
    Pay temporary workers and contractors while waiting for your invoices

    Free guide to Invoice Finance!

    Signup now and receive a free in-depth guide to help you choose the right Invoice Finance facility!

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